Phase I:
The client needed this space to include office stuff, shipping/receiving stuff, craft stuff, sewing stuff, books, and make room for her manicure table. Since it would be in view of her clients, aesthetics were important. Economy was as well.
In this photo, the stuff in the center of the room had been sorted into boxes for her two direct sales businesses as well as the various "stations" that would be in the room. |
Phase II:
This desk was out of the shot in the "before" picture. It became the place for the sewing machine, which fit the cubby on the lower left perfectly. The attached bookshelf became home to reference books and office supplies, neatly housed in labeled magazine holders.
The tree filled the empty corner, which my client said was "good Feng Shui." I thought it brightened up a dark corner. |
I fashioned a temporary set of cubbies that line the back wall. I simply taped matching boxes together by fours and put them on a folding table. They were from her wholesaler.
The desk is still in the process of being sorted out. I used pipe cleaners as fasteners to clean up the cords at the top of the wall. |