When I tell people I'm a professional organizer, they often ask me if my house is organized. Then I must confess: it's an ongoing battle, and the front lines are always moving. For the last couple of weeks, my office has been the site of several skirmishes. My opening salvo was a horizontal file cabinet, purchased at the Goodwill for $19.91. I have kept my eye out for one of those for a couple of years, so when I saw a nice one, I procured it for my arsenal. It enabled me to empty out four file crates that have been standing in for something more permanent. I'll post some pictures of the process on the "before and after" page. Here's a teaser:
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![]() ISN'T THAT CLEVER? weekly tips to use the stuff you already have to organize your life What happens when The Stuff Whisperer is stumped? She asks Mr. Stuff Whisperer! A few days ago, TSW was out on the range, wrangling stuff in a client's home. The stuff was being a bit ornery. My client needed a lightweight whiteboard hung up onto drywall. None of the picture hangers I had would work, as she would be writing on it. I was at a loss. Then it occurred to her to call for back up. She brought the whiteboard home. My hubby's a carpenter, so I showed it to him. He just grinned and asked me to bring us both a can of root beer! Then Mr. Stuff Whisperer proceeded to make hangers out of two pop tops. 6/11/2011 Introducing "Isn't That Clever" -- weekly tips for using the stuff you have to organize your lifeRead Now![]() ISN'T THAT CLEVER weekly tips for using the stuff you already have to organize the life you want If you've ever bought a craft or office supply to help you get organized, but never used it, then this feature is for you. You're not alone, either--at some point, most of my clients sheepishly hold up an empty color-coded accordion file with categories that seem to be useful printed on the tabs, and explain "You see? I had good intentions..." You may have already encountered the advice that says you should sort your stuff first, then go shopping. But its hard to resist the brightly colored do dads beckoning from the shelves with promises of beauty, order, and a room worthy of a Martha Stewart Living photo shoot. Meanwhile, your place looks more the "before" pictures on Hoarders. If only organization could actually be purchased off the shelves of Wal-Mart. Where has the Stuff Whisperer been? Thanks to you, whispering to an unprecedented amount of stuff! She thanks you for your business and asks you to bear with us as we ourselves get organized behind the scenes here at thestuffwhisperer.com. Check back Saturday, June 11th. We should have a new post up by then. -Staff
about Liz Logan
I'm a professional organizer in Atlanta, fighting the good fight on my own home front and sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly. what clients say
"[The Office Makeover] has made such a difference!" -RA Archives
August 2012